Types of Therapy


Individual Therapy

Life can feel like you’re in a million broken pieces and you’re not even sure where to start.  I’m here to collaborate with you and figure out how to connect those pieces back together so that you feel stronger.

It’s tough when you or your relationship feel broken.  It is natural to start questioning yourself and not feel accepted.  You may start getting stressed, feeling frustrated, unhappy, and blame yourself/others because there are needs that do not feel met.  There can be nagging worries you may have that are preventing you from living your full life. And if we allow ourselves to dig deeper, you may feel invisible, a burden or that maybe you don’t deserve better...

We all have our own stories.  I will support you in re-writing a story where you feel you are showing up as your most authentic self and your own biggest champion.  A life full of self-confidence, compassion and peace. A life where you remember what it is like without Anxiety, Depression or Trauma as the primary author of your story.

 As a Therapist, I am not here to tell you what your story should be.  You will tell me what you want your story to be and we will work on making that story true for you.


couples therapy

Relationships are tough!  Each person enters every relationship with hopes, dreams and expectations of how it will look.  There are needs we never knew that existed that our partner will hopefully meet.  However, it is rarely as simple as it may sound.  Each individual comes with their own culture that drives and creates the “shoulds” in our language.  So it can be painful and deeply personal when partners are unable to show up for each other as we hoped for.  

There are some basic tenets such as trust and commitment that are universal in every relationship.  There can be some injuries in the relationship, some subtle and some outright, that need healing.  Couples therapy will focus on healing and creating a shared meaning that addresses the values and needs of each partner. 

I have completed training in an evidenced based couples therapy model called the Gottman Method.  I practice from this model due to it addressing our emotional needs, our individual stories, and the values that you have that influences your relationship.  Ultimately, it is about cultivating a new family culture that will resonate with both of you.


Grief therapy

Grief permeates throughout our lives.  The tragedy of losing somebody you love can leave you feeling lost, who are you without this person and what does this mean for your future.  Grief is invisible.  It is a journey that can feel lonely even if you’re still physically surrounded by people.  It is a loss that transcends time as you are confronted with memories of the past, the pain of the present and the loss of a future that you will never have.  It is not only their physical presence that is gone but the role they played in your life, as a person who showed you love and supported you in their unique ways.  

My hope is to provide you a safe space where you can openly grieve and not feel that you have to stop your tears for me.  And when you are ready, we will work together to rebuild your dreams that fits you and also honors the person who has passed.


LGBQIA+ and GEnder affirming therapy

I am a Cisgender, Heterosexual female. Whether you just started your journey to affirm yourself or have been on it for a few years, I am here to celebrate you. Every person has a different path and it can start at different ages. Sometimes during this journey, there can be distress as you navigate your relationships with family, friends and classmates/colleagues. My hope is to collaborate in cultivating a space where your authentic self can shine.

*If you prefer a Therapist that identifies as LGBTQ+, please feel free to still contact me and I will try to give you some resources.

For the families who want to support your loved one, there can be a lot of of mixed feelings, such as uncertainty or fear. However, you desire to show up the best you can for them but you’re not sure where to start. I will help you navigate this and provide a safe place for you to process and provide information where needed so that you can show up for your loved one.



Trauma can leave an imprint on you as you learn how to feel safe in relationships or physical spaces again. Trauma comes in all forms. However, it can leave you feeling unsettled and unstable. I am trained in two types of trauma based treatment, EMDR and Trauma Focused CBT. Both are different approaches and we can explore what would best fit you. You’ve survived this whole time, lets get to a place where you feel like you are thriving again. Instead of feeling like your trauma has been steering your life, lets put you back in that driver seat.